Javascript so far seems very convenient and easy to use, especially when compared to Java. It makes a lot of sense to me and the rules, syntax, keywords and other things are easy to understand. Javascript is similar to C++ in a way where the setup for projects you want to complete is relatively simple and brief. It is a very straightforward programming language and it gets me to what I want to do faster. However, I could see that maybe if you were coding a really big project you could really lose your place in Javascript. It feels like there might not be as much structure with coding in Javascript, as in using modules of code that ultimately work together to complete a task. In the end, I enjoy using Javascript and I believe it is mainly used to handle websites which makes me eager to learn more about it and use it for both fun and serious projects to filter or process data online for my use.
The idea of athletic software engineering is actually really enjoyable as well as a little stressful, which I think works well together. This style of learning really pushes you to figure things out quicker and heighten your brain’s thought processes. I find the idea of completing logic puzzles to learn is very interesting and putting it into a more serious environment causes me to work harder. I thought the practice WODs were very helpful to give me an idea of how the actual WODs would go and potentially how job interviews in the future might go. Proceeding with my career in the software engineering field I would definitely continue this style of learning to improve daily on my skills in coding and learning new languages.